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Talking about food safety in China
2020-01-05 共 次阅读As the old saying goes ,““black-hearted” manufacturers in China counterfeit food. To illustrate ,they can produce honey with very little real honey and much sugar. They can even produce rice out of plastic. Counterfeit makes food not as nutritious as itself and even harmful to us . FDA is trying its best to quarantine food and teach people how to distinguish fake food from real ones.
The second problem in China is additives. Additives themselves are not harmful to human beings’ health as long as they obey the rules of FDA .But in order to make food good-looking and tasty, manufacturers add more additives than the limit ,even poisonous ones .So FDA is making more and more rules ,quarantining more and more food and punishing more and more unlawful manufacturers.
In order to make our people have a strong constitution, government departments, NGOs, and every single person are supposed to work together to prevent harmful food from our tables. We must make sure of the safety on our tongues.
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